Tagged: Cuphead

In Defense of Easy Mode

One of the first criticisms I read when I began my academic study of videogames was the idea that difficulty settings are bad game design. This article, insightful at the time, made me realize...

The Top 10 In-Game Announcers

Many competitive games, and even some non-competitive games, give us some sort of disembodied voice to pair with our gameplay and drive the stakes just a little higher Some embrace the environment of the...

What the New ‘Cuphead’ Patch Gets Right

Cuphead recently released a new patch (1.2.2), which made some subtle touches and included a few more noticeable additions. This patch coincides with the release of the Switch version, so I decided to take...

‘Cuphead’ and Expert Boss Design

Cuphead is one of those games that seemed to thrive on pure aesthetic alone. The classic cartoon art-style instantly captivated audiences of all ages, while the big band orchestra perfectly encapsulated the bygone era....

The Ten Worst Tutorials Ever

  One of the worst things in video games is the mandatory tutorial. It severs any chance of replaying a game and enjoying it in full (there will always be that part that you have to...