Streaming Resolutions: A Look From Our Twitch Team
One of the many joys of casting is in the act of tinkering. Whether it’s a technical issue or a new kind of structure, change is what drives us forward every time we hit go live. Every stream is a little new – a little different than the last one. The new year brings an opportunity for real change, and gives us an excuse to try something new. To bring a bold idea or two to the forefront of our casting that will propel our work to the next level.
For the first time ever, we brought a few members of our Twitch Team together to pitch some New Year’s resolutions we have for our individual channels. Thanks for reading, and if you’d like to discuss any particular ideas with our team you can find us on Discord.
A Word From Our Team

Bengerman10: For the first four months of 2023, I streamed full-time hours for the first time in my casting career. I loved the habitual nature of having a place to be every day and pushing myself to see what I was capable of made for a fun, internally competitive experience.
But I also learned that when casting becomes a job for me, I’m less likely to find joy in it. That’s why in 2024, I’m aspiring to bring the fun back into my channel. I think there is a unique blend of professionalism and hobby that I want to strike, and that starts with a real-time assessment of how I want to structure my casting. One thing is for sure: I’ve spent five+ years being a variety streamer who bounces around from category to category, and I miss partaking in the zeitgeist of new and classic experiences on my channel. As a result, my number one streaming resolution this year will be to be a tried and true variety streamer who brings something a little new to the table week after week. Hope to see you all then!
MiarioKart: I have not spent a lot of time streaming during 2023, even though I intended to. My resolution for 2024 is consistency – I want to stream at least once a month. Streaming is something I miss doing and I want to make sure I feel fulfilled by it without burning myself out. If I am able to stream at this rate, I think I can give myself some justification to upgrade my microphone and webcam!
EleshPlays: I have two things I want to accomplish this year. The first is to seek consistency in two ways – First, a consistent schedule of Tuesday, Friday, and one day on the weekend. And second, is bringing back what I used to call Selubrations – monthly viewer voted marathon streams. I miss having regular streams I could devote to different things and I miss the absolute chaos of a 12+ hour stream where I can’t really prepare for the games I’ll be playing.
The other thing is that I need to get back to having at least some degree of ‘professionalism’ in my stream. I miss having alerts and overlays and a proper break screen. I miss having a spot for my webcam, when I felt like using it. So I’m going to try my best to figure out how I want to do those things and this year will be the year I start bringing some of those little touches that make a stream more than just a person playing a video game on the internet.

YogiEisbar: I am back to loving streaming again and with this I want to continue my strong end to 2023 into the start of 2024 and get Twitch Partner after a number of setbacks. I will continue to build my stream by adding more interactions and cool ideas that people will love hanging out with and potentially even get back to my old longer streaming hours. I want to use my amazing friends to learn some coding in order to enhance my stream even further!
xVINTRO: 2023 was an amazing year for my channel! I got affiliate, over 300 followers, and was accepted into an amazing stream team all within my first year on Twitch. I went from streaming random Gameboy Advance games with no mic or camera to incorporating AI into a chatbot. I’m proud of how much my channel has evolved and am thankful to all those that have helped me get here. It’s been an amazing hobby made possible by even more amazing people!
Now that the foundation is laid out and I know what I’m doing (for the most part) the focus of 2024 will be growth and polishing the streams I produce. As of writing this I have 302 followers, I’d like that to be at least 600 by this time next year. My channel’s Discord has 33 members and my goal is to double that as well. Other than those two goals I’d love to collaborate with other team members as well as try streaming during the day a few times.
Dynamungo: Before this year I never thought streaming would be for me, with all of the anxiety I face in life. But since I started streaming earlier this year my life has taken such a turn for the better. I am so grateful for the EG and IronMon communities, and the community I have begun to build myself.
My first goal for the new year is to reach 1,000 followers, and do a 24 hour stream as a celebration for that. Currently, I’m at 928 followers which blows my mind. Seeing that amount of growth in less than a year of streaming makes me hopeful that I can also reach my goal of partner in 2024. I want to continue to improve my stream quality and give back to the community however I can. Thanks to EG and everyone who stopped by the stream! Can’t wait to see you all in 2024.
LukorDaDragon: This year has been more than I could have ever prepared myself for. Not only did our stream grow far more than my annual goal, I also had the blessing of being introduced to some of the nicest and warm hearted people. EG creating the stream team and allowing someone like myself to be a part of it has and continues to be the greatest experience I’ve had in an online space.
Besides the obvious goal to grow our community more (in hopes to hit 300 in 2024). This year’s resolution is to personalize our content a lot more than its current state. I have big plans to overhaul the overlay to become more on brand with the dragon we know and love alongside commissioning more animated emotes to fill those crazy amount of slots Twitch dropped on us last month. I hope, given enough time and resources throughout this next year, things will look as exciting and interactive as I have in my little noodle. (side note – I hope to provide more exclusive YT content for y’all as well)

SmokinWasabi: I started streaming at the end of 2022, so all my growth in 2023 has been mind blowing. My goal is to continue making streaming my career and make 2024 a year filled with even more collaborations and new games. I like to keep variety on my channel and make new friends through streaming. My hope is that 2024 will be just as fulfilling and satisfying as 2023.
TheStormyShack: I have had a rollercoaster of a year with a lot of personal stuff going on. So I would like to apologize for the lack of streams. I will do better this year. With that said, for this new year, I want to create a more consistent schedule for those who want to watch me. I plan to bring plenty of new things to the channel that I did not accomplish this year. Which would include animated emotes, follower emotes, sound command redemptions, general channel point redemptions, a new bot, new alerts, etc. Additionally, I want to do more co-streams and a charity stream this year. Please look forward to more consistency and many things to come from me.
StreamingFalcon: 2023 was so much better than I ever could have imagined. Joining EG, making a ton of new friends, getting Twitch Partner, developing a custom in-stream game for people to play, these were things that weren’t ever on my mind going into the year, and yet they all ended up being so incredibly meaningful to me. Having so much good in my life this past year really helped me to work through a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. The more I stream, the more I’ve come to accept and appreciate that my stream is a wonderful place for me and for others.
I’m hoping that, in 2024, we can continue growing the stream and providing friendos with the good feelings they’re looking for when they hang out with me and with each other. I’m looking forward to taking on more exciting projects that I hope will bring a lot of fun to everyone. I am always thinking of ways to make people smile and have a great day, and I know that will continue to be the case in the coming year. Come stop by, get cozy, and let’s have a wonderful stream!
blawnk: After years of being involved with streaming communities and contributing to projects for friends’ streams, 2023 was the year I brushed off all of the “I don’t have time to stream…”, “I don’t have a great space to stream…” , or “I don’t have all the assets together yet…” excuses and started pouring all of the energy I had been pouring into others’s streams into my own. I owe a huge debt to my longtime friend Bee for beginning to stream kaizo ironmon herself which was the kick in the pants to do it myself, showing me that you can build up your
2023 has been a year of building my stream up into something I’m proud of. 2024 will be a year of refinement, shedding elements that are more representative of my inspirations than they are of myself. 2024 will also be the year of defining a more intentful strategy. I’ve jumped into 2023 with essentially one mantra, stolen from former Nintendo of America president and notorious art thief Reggie Fils-Aimé: “if it’s not fun, why bother?” Everything I do in 2024 will remain fun, but I want a bigger portion of that fun to be determined by my audience. I have a few things in the pipeline that will allow chat to control more of my stream that I’m really excited to show off in the coming months. I can’t wait to be surprised by you guys, and I think you’re going to have a lot of fun doing it. So my strategy is not just to pick the games I have the most fun playing, but for my stream to become an experience that my audience has fun shaping right before their eyes.

okiemykie: I started streaming after I graduated high school in 2021. Content creation is something I’ve always wanted to do full time. Ever since I was really little I always had a camera in my hands. I spent so much of my childhood creating Littlest Pet Shop YouTube series on some cheap old camera and daydreaming of the day I could have the equipment to make Minecraft videos.
I knew the moment I built my own PC that this was something I was very serious about. No matter what hardships I’ve faced over the last few years, I never gave up with streaming and I intend to keep it that way. I’m very hard on myself when it comes to my own channel. I want to do better and continue growing. But I must remind myself to be proud of where I’m at currently. I’ve made so many wonderful friends and built an amazing community. My plans for 2024 is to continue being consistent but also keeping everyone intrigued and excited to see the next streams. I want to try and plan out each of my streams every week so people can look forward to the next one they join. I also want to do better with my networking by staying more active in the Epilogue Gaming Discord. I can’t thank EG enough for bringing me in and being so supportive. I’m not the best at communicating with others but I owe it to my stream team. I’m not going to be too hard on myself though. I will continue streaming for the fun of it. I never want to lose sight of that because I genuinely enjoy this and I’m so grateful to call this my job.
SiNxRealize: Well, this year was a real interesting one to say the least. Not only in the content creation sphere, but in my personal life. I came back to playing Pokémon after taking 2 years away from it, raised over $1,000 during a 44 hour charity stream, which I expected to go for at most 36 hours, and I found out I’m going to be a father. This year left a whirlwind of emotions and happy feelings and I’m glad to leave any negativity behind in 2024
When it comes to this coming year, my main focus is going to be continuing on being a super interactive streamer and putting out quality content on YouTube. In my personal life, I aim to be the best new father to my little girl when she comes to the world and show her joy and happiness.
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