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The Forgettable Home Run of ‘Horizon Zero Dawn’

Guerilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn is often spoken about in the same terms as other big-budget 2017 masterpieces such as Nier: Automata and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but I found my experience with Horizon to be decidedly underwhelming across the board.

2021 and Video Game Resolutions

One thing I’ve constantly reflected on this year is how appreciative I am of video games. They’ve manufactured social interaction when there was strikingly little of it to find elsewhere and served as a...

Top Ten Launch Titles for PS5 and Xbox Series X: Ranked

While the consoles have seen plenty of hype, including being totally sold out just about anywhere you look, there has been less talk about the games themselves. Here’s an early look at the top ten launch titles for PS5 and Xbox Series X, including both exclusives and third party games alike.

Why ‘Bully’ Deserves A Sequel

Rockstar’s cult classic has been dead in the water for years, but the next console generation would be the perfect opportunity for a sequel.

Playing the Narrative: ‘Psychonauts’

Psychonauts stands tall as a shining example of ‘playing the narrative’, incorporating gameplay into the narrative of so many unique characters in a way no other game has done before.

Why ‘NieR: Automata’ Isn’t That Good

Overall, my experience with Nier: Automata was a mixture of confusion and frustration. The initial A route was fine until the rest of the game slowly spiraled down afterward, both in terms of gameplay and narrative.

Playing the Narrative: ‘Celeste’

An imposing mountain looms overhead. A young girl has travelled a long way from home, planning to scale this mountain and reach its peak. She climbs not because she wants to, but because she...

The Highlights of LudoNarraCon 2020

This year’s LudoNarraCon event – a showcase celebrating narrative games – was jam packed with indie games of all stripes. It’s a remarkable time for games that I’ve previously written about, like Neo Cab...