Left Behind Game Club: ‘Hades’

Though our own Barry Irick recently published a critical piece on Hades, describing its gameplay systems as “high effort with low reward,” Hades is easily one of my favorite games of the past year. After well over 70 hours escaping its hellish depths, picking up the game on multiple platforms, I still find myself itching to boot up a few Hades runs every few weeks. It’s one of the rare games I’ve decided to keep installed even though I’ve completed the main story.

Thus, when I was recently invited to guest on the Left Behind Game Club podcast this week, I eagerly took the opportunity. This is my third appearance on their excellent show, first appearing on an episode discussing A Short Hike and later Last Day of June. Needless to say, I had a blast riffing about Hades, an endlessly dynamic game.
I introduced Hades as a “family dysfunction simulator where everyone is hot, there is an achievement for petting a red, three-headed dog, and pomegranates are well-represented.” We then proceeded to unpack our radically different playstyles, our favorite (and most dreaded) boss encounters, the quality of mythological delivery on hand, and much more. Listen here, or click the logo below!
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