How I Lost Respect For ‘Persona 4 Golden’
Between some questionable gender reduction and arguably homophobic scenes, I couldn’t remain enthusiastic for Persona 4 Golden.
Between some questionable gender reduction and arguably homophobic scenes, I couldn’t remain enthusiastic for Persona 4 Golden.
Even though NieR Replicant can feel exhausting to play, it’s a game that’s absolutely worth sticking to until the final credits roll.
Yakuza 6 is the most profound Yakuza game, center-staging mature themes that deliver closure for the series’ core characters.
Yakuza 5 is the most ambitious Yakuza game to date, featuring a strong cast of characters and diverse gameplay.
Yakuza 4 takes some massive risks, some of which don’t pay off, but many earn their place along the highlights of the series.
Genesis Noir’s stunning art style and cosmically exaggerated narrative are limited by rudimentary gameplay and performance issues.
Despite setting up some crucial story events for later entries, Yakuza 3 is the most forgettable entry in the series.
Yakuza Kiwami 2 is an impressive entry in the series, running on the powerful Dragon engine. The story is bombastic and powerful.
Yakuza Kiwami is a stunning recreation of the original 2005 game. Essential for anyone who loves open world games and brawlers in particular.
Yakuza 0 is the best video game prequel ever made. From absurd karaoke to tense melodrama, it began many people’s deep love for the series.
Heaven’s Vault is a compelling adventure where you explore abandoned civilizations, uncover an ancient language, and solve complex mysteries.
Catherine is the first puzzle game I have truly loved and is perhaps the only puzzle game I fully intend to play again.
The boss progression of Dark Souls is an incredibly well-crafted one, teaching the player mechanics through the designs of the fights themselves.
Guerilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn is often spoken about in the same terms as other big-budget 2017 masterpieces such as Nier: Automata and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but I found my experience with Horizon to be decidedly underwhelming across the board.
One thing I’ve constantly reflected on this year is how appreciative I am of video games. They’ve manufactured social interaction when there was strikingly little of it to find elsewhere and served as a...
People have played more games than ever in 2020. Here are 20 games that stood out this year.
Christmas is an important plot point in many video games. Here are our favorite times where the player has to save it.
CD Projekt Red will have to do a hell of a lot more than fix Cyberpunk 2077 for me to buy one of their games ever again.
Death Stranding predicted 2020, which makes it all the more meaningful to play in the age of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Which console had the better launch? Now that the Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 have been out for a few weeks, we sat down to determine which of the two had the more successful start.
If 2020 is beating you down like a Dark Souls boss, Karen: An Outrage Simulator is there for a quick, cheap laugh.
The Epilogue Gaming Staff share what they’re grateful for in video games for 2020. What are you thankful for?
The following article contains spoilers for the Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War “Bad” Ending The Black Ops series has never shied away from being experimental, often toying with unreliable narrators and...
If Found and Tell Me Why are deeply important games that helped me publicly come to terms with my gender identity as trans. Here’s how.
Is Bugsnax more than a catchy theme song?
After uncovering the façade of Yakuza 0, I finally understand the outpouring of love and good will towards this righteously beloved series.
While the consoles have seen plenty of hype, including being totally sold out just about anywhere you look, there has been less talk about the games themselves. Here’s an early look at the top ten launch titles for PS5 and Xbox Series X, including both exclusives and third party games alike.
Locked In is a two-player visual novel that, despite its brevity, is more than its co-op gimmick.
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is a bold new direction for the Nathan Drake series. I want more games with Chloe and Nadine.
I am terrified of most horror games, but Until Dawn was actually great. Here’s why.
For its sheer variety alone, Battletoads is worth a look, and has enough of a mechanical foundation to keep me wanting more.
Sleeping Dogs often gets dismissed as a GTA clone, but the characters and setting are worth revisiting for next gen consoles.
As a lover of the original game, ‘The Last of Us,’ this sequel left me cold. In fact, I wish it had never been made.
The Last of Us Part II is an emotionally complex and intentionally misleading adventure that offers us insight to overcoming grievances and the consequences of resolution.
Undertale is a masterclass of subverting expectations. Consistently throughout, Undertale creates scenarios that are both hilarious and unexpected.
The Halo trilogy is dated and never managed to find its footing. There may be glimpses of brilliance, but they are overshadowed by mountains of monotony.
Rockstar’s cult classic has been dead in the water for years, but the next console generation would be the perfect opportunity for a sequel.
Although Spec Ops: The Line’s gameplay is mediocre and repetitive, the story’s moments of moral quandary stand above nearly any other installment in the shooter genre.
Some of its mini-games don’t work quite as well as others, and the consistency can lead to some frustrating rounds. Still, even when it’s not at its best, Fall Guys is fun.
I avoided Persona 5 for a few years despite everyone I know recommending it as a masterpiece. I traditionally avoid games that exceed the 30 hour mark, but my fond memories of playing Persona...
There is so much going for Ghost of Tsushima, but spectacle alone doesn’t make it worth playing.
Ultimately, it feels unfair to compare Origami King to games it seems to have no interest in competing with. Almost everything it delivers feels experimental, even if a lot of its strengths are core to what has made the franchise so popular.
Despite its shortcomings, it was satisfactory enough in the gameplay department to see what the end of the crazy stylish adventure had in store for me.
Psychonauts stands tall as a shining example of ‘playing the narrative’, incorporating gameplay into the narrative of so many unique characters in a way no other game has done before.
Despite the heavy dose of nostalgia, it’s easy to question why this remake even exists.
Overall, my experience with Nier: Automata was a mixture of confusion and frustration. The initial A route was fine until the rest of the game slowly spiraled down afterward, both in terms of gameplay and narrative.
Outer Wilds was an incredible experience that focuses on the adventure while keeping the destination shrouded in secrecy.
Pokemon Sword and Shield quickly became one of my favorite Pokemon games to date. And with the first DLC finally out I am pretty disappointed to say that while Isle of Armor does deliver...
There’s a moment in That Dragon, Cancer (TDC) that nearly stopped me from playing the game. A baby lies in a crib, crying at night. The crying escalates from soft whines to proper sobs...
An imposing mountain looms overhead. A young girl has travelled a long way from home, planning to scale this mountain and reach its peak. She climbs not because she wants to, but because she...