Tagged: Dark Souls

In Defense of Easy Mode

One of the first criticisms I read when I began my academic study of videogames was the idea that difficulty settings are bad game design. This article, insightful at the time, made me realize...

The Top 10 Video Game Chests

Chests have become so commonplace in video games that they are almost expected to appear in some fashion, especially when games like Fortnite infest the waters with their multitude of generic loot chests, diluting...

Why You Shouldn’t Play ‘Vampyr’

Vampyr is an exhausting game. From annoying technical issues to an overburdened story, the game falls apart at nearly every opportunity. What seems like an interesting narrative-based action game that branches out in consequence...

Capcom is Back, Baby + Our Favorite Video Games

Epilogue takes on the difficult task of answering: “What are our favorite video games?”. Capcom lands another big hit with Devil May Cry 5 and EA bounces from its E3 press conference.

New Years and Sex Video Games

The Epilogue Crew talks about their video game resolutions for 2019 and breaks down sex video games. Are there any good ones? Ben, Dakota and Marcos break down the genre and its future.

The Ten Worst Tutorials Ever

  One of the worst things in video games is the mandatory tutorial. It severs any chance of replaying a game and enjoying it in full (there will always be that part that you have to...