Subscribing on Twitch


 Tier One (Prime OR $5)


  • The global use of the respective streamer’s tier one emote
  • No more forced ads while watching the stream
  • 500 in-chat currency on subscription, then an additional 100 per month subscribed (capped at 1,000)
  • Subscribers vote on what game we’ll play next*
  • Subscribers are individually thanked in a credit sequence at the end of every stream*


Tier Two ($10)

  • Everything from tier one
  • 500 additional in-chat currency on subscription, then an additional 200 per month subscribed (capped at 1,500)
  • The global use of the respective streamer’s tier two emote


Tier Three ($25)

  • Everything from tier one and two
  • 500 additional in-chat currency on subscription, then an additional 300 per month subscribed (capped at 2,500)
  • An exclusive soundbite that plays when you enter the stream (once per stream)*



*Bengerman10’s stream only